Wild Rice

Wild Rice

Serena Hotel - Islamabad

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Serena Hotel, along with many other restaurants, features a location of the Wild Rice as well. They serve different exotic cuisines. Some of these are Thai, Indonesian, Chinese and Japanese. You will find the restaurant at the lobby level of the Serena Hotel in its newly established wing. It is open for 12 hours from 11 am in the morning till 11 pm at night. Indulge in different types of authentic cuisines at Wild Rice in the beautiful Serena Hotel.

The food is top class and is regarded among the best restaurants for fine dining. The décor is beautiful made up of good quality material. The walls are maroon and brown. The seating area is a combination of tables and couches. The atmosphere is inviting with the lighting set low. The restaurant requires you to book the tables beforehand if you want to hold any dinner parties for your friends and family.