The COVID-19’s Outbreak and Impact on the Entire World
The year 2020 has been quite troublesome for the World. However, it became apocalyptic with the arrival of the fatal Coronavirus, also called COVID-19. The outbreak of Coronavirus has infected thousands of people with many dead. And, the World Health Organization has stated it as a global pandemic. Let’s evaluate this waging battle in detail!
The Outbreak
As the global pandemic makes the existence and potential of Coronavirus more and more apparent to the World, the roots of its origin remain a blur. To date, nobody knows exactly who or what led to the transfer for this animal-associated virus into human beings. However, we do know where it came from, and hence have a bunch of proposed or rather suggested theories of origin.

As per the records, the first-ever case of the novel coronavirus got reported in Wuhan. However, it is unclear whether it got published on 17th November or 1st December. But whenever it did, a team of doctors led by Dr. Ai Fen from Wuhan Central Hospital began researching this new virus that resembled the SARS virus. When they launched an alert to warn the masses about the possibility of an outbreak of a global pandemic, the Chinese Government arrested eight of these doctors.
Quite too soon after this event, the cases of Coronavirus in Wuhan doubled and even tripled. By mid-January 2020, this unknown pneumonia started spreading in other Chinese provinces. As a result, the Chinese Government got only slightly serious and took initial measures. Then, by 11th March, WHO declared Coronavirus to be a global pandemic. And asked different countries to make preparations to deal with it. By now, China was facing the peak intensity of this virus and had taken the actions that it should have earlier, such as restricting traveling.
Currently, the World has come face to face with the Coronavirus from Wuhan as well as its mutations. China, however, seems to have relatively recovered from the pandemic. Note that China has not yet fully stepped out of this virus-outbreak, but seems to have improved appreciably.

The spread to other countries
With China severely affected, it is very unlikely that the virus would have circulated within the Chinese parameters. And, like predicted, the Coronavirus traveled all over the World and engulfed a majority of countries in its fatal effects. Currently, 199 countries have got affected by COVID-19. Let’s evaluate the countries’ reaction to the worst of Coronavirus.
1. Iran
After China, the second epicenter of the Coronavirus became Iran. On 19th February, the country came across its first two coronavirus cases. However, the Government showed no immediate reaction. Within a month, Iran had 18407 total cases along with 1284 deaths. Still, the Government has not yet taken any strict measures to control the pandemic. The current number of Corona cases in Iran is 41495 with 2757 deaths.
2. USA
In the United States of America, the initial cases of COVID-19 showed up in January when people who had traveled from Wuhan started falling ill. Like Iran’s Government, the authorities were a little slow in response. All the travelers to travel from Wuhan were to get self-quarantined for 14-days. However, the number of cases started to rise drastically when human-to-human transmission begun. Currently, the USA has a total of 162,126 cases with 2,968 deaths. The Government has taken initiatives to prevent the spread by banning international flights, encouraging social-distancing, and distribution of safety equipment.
3. Italy
In late January, the country identified its first three coronavirus patients who had traveled from China. However, the country was the slowest to take action. In a short span, the entire country got filled by coronavirus patients, and then, the authorities took action by placing all the regions under quarantine. A complete lockdown became effective, with only supermarkets and pharmacies allowed to operate. Currently, Italy has 101,739 confirmed cases, with 11,591 deaths.
4. United Kingdom
The United Kingdom came across the fatal Coronavirus in February. However, the country was proactive in responding, and testing has begun. Authorities announced self-quarantine, closure of non-essential places, the establishment of isolation zones, and encouraged social-distancing practices. The health department has indulged itself in a number of researches and experiments to find a cure for this pandemic. Recently, the United Kingdom has 22,141 confirmed cases and 1,408 deaths.

Pakistan’s Conditions
After trapping and enforcing lockdowns in other countries, the Coronavirus reached Pakistan on 26th February 2020. The carriers of this virus came from Iran to Pakistan and continued with their daily life activities long before they got tested positive. From that day onwards, like all other countries, the numbers of cases reported are only increasing.
The provincial authorities and now the Federal Government as well, have taken all necessary measures like lockdown, upgrading of medical facilities, the supply of food, reduction, and relief in expenditures and costs. However, despite that, the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing day by day, and so is the death toll.
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